Wednesday 8 May 2013

10 Great Automotive Interesting Facts

10 great interesting facts about the most popular form of transport in the world:
  1. The first engine powered car was built in Mannheim, Germany by Karl Benz in 1885. Between 1888 and 1893 they sold a whopping 25 units.
  2. The most expensive city in the world to park in is London. Parking in central London can cost up to £578.87 per month. Plus you’ll have to pay the congestion charge just to get there.
  3. On average, every American will spend approximately two whole weeks of their life stopped at red lights. 
  4. The first speeding ticket ever issued was in 1902, when most cars could barely reach 45mph. 
  5. The world’s worst city to drive in is Manila. Terrible roads, endless traffic and a disregard for stopping at red lights make this place truly awful for driving.
  6. In 1939 the San Antonio Light wrote about future cars that could be folded into a neat and tidy suitcase-sized package. 
  7. The most expensive car ever sold was the 1931 Bugatti Royale Kellner Coupe which sold in 1987 for a huge $8,700,000.
  8. The largest speeding fine ever given is $1,000,000 to a Swedish man who got clocked doing 180mph in Switzerland. 
  9. Perhaps the strangest attempt at renewable energy sources for cars is Cappuccino. The ‘Car-Purccino’ costs around 50 times more to run than the standard fuel powered cars, and uses up around 56 espressos per mile!
  10. In 1972 the average speed driven by cars in Los Angeles was 60mph. By 1982 that number had dropped to 17mph.
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